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How Children Learn English Online vs Their Home Language!

How Children Learn English Online vs Their Home Language!

Author: Ren Cronje
Date: 30/05/2024

As a parent, you’re always looking out for the best for your child. If you’re considering introducing them to English as a second language, you’ve made a fantastic choice! At The Meridian School of English, we understand the unique ways through which young children acquire a new language, and we’re excited to guide you through this journey. 

Young children learn languages differently from adults. They soak up new sounds, words, and phrases as they play and interact with the world around them. At Meridian, we create a learning environment that feels more like playtime and less like class time. This way, your child learns English naturally, just by being part of fun activities.

A Gentle Start with Listening

Children often start by understanding what they hear before they begin speaking. In our early lessons at Meridian, we place a significant emphasis in listening skillsOur lessons focus on key vocabulary and pronunciation through songs, stories, and interactive games – your child will begin to acquire English words and phrases without even realizing they’re learning!

The Difference Between Learning Your First Language and English as a Second Language 

Learning English as a second language at Meridian is different from how children learn their first language. Usually, children learn their first language naturally from the time they are born. They hear and use this language every day, learning without special lessons.  

However, learning English at Meridian includes organized activities and planned learning. We strive to make learning English fun, enjoyable and natural-like, with games and activities that help children feel like they are just playing, not studying. This way, we help make the transition from naturally learning a language to learning in a classroom easier. 

The Magic of Play

We believe in the power of play. Whether it’s singing along to catchy tunes, acting out stories, or playing games, these activities help children practice their new language in a stress-free way. Play allows them to experiment with language, make mistakes, and learn without fear. 

Making Everyday Moments Learning Opportunities 

At Meridian, we encourage you to use everyday moments as learning opportunities. Talk to your child in English during regular activities like mealtime, playtime, or while driving. It’s remarkable how much learning occurs through everyday simple interactions.   

It’s exciting to watch your child start to understand and then speak English. Initially, they might understand more than they can express. That’s okay! Encourage them by speaking slowly, using simple sentences, and repeating phrases so they can grasp them more quickly.  

Repetition Is Key 

Children learn through repetition as it results in a higher rate of retention. It might feel repetitive to us, but it’s helpful for them. At Meridian, our lessons often repeat songs, stories, and phrases to ensure the language sticks. 

Encouragement Over Correction 

Praise your child’s efforts to use English, no matter how small. This boosts their confidence and motivates them to keep trying. Remember, the goal is to make them love the language, not fear making mistakes.

Meridian’s Role in Your Child’s Language Journey

At Meridian School of English, we’re committed to making learning English a joyful and enriching experience. Our programs are designed to align with the natural way children learn languages. We’re here to support both you and your child every step of the way, providing you with the tools, activities, and strategies you need to continue the learning in the convenience of your home.

How Meridian School of English Went From Old School to Digital Cool.

How Meridian School of English Went From Old School to Digital Cool.

As parents, we all want the best for our children. We dream of them becoming confident communicators, global citizens, and lifelong learners. But how do we ensure that they acquire the essential skill of English in today’s digital world? Enter Meridian School of English – a transformation that bridges the gap between old-school teaching and cutting-edge online learning.

The Meridian Legacy

Before we dive into the digital coolness of Meridian, let’s rewind to the beginning. Meridian English School, established in 1979, was a beacon of education for young learners in the UK. Its residential centers welcomed thousands of students, fostering growth, friendships, and unforgettable experiences. But as the world changed, so did the way we learn.

The Digital Revolution

In 2020, Tellus Colleges made a bold move. It embraced the digital age, recognizing that learning doesn’t have to happen within four walls. We asked ourselves, ‘Is online school better than traditional school?’ and, due to the flexibility and convenience we offer our online students, we certainly believe it is. Thus, Meridian School of English was born – a virtual haven for language learners aged 5 to 13. No more commuting, no more rigid schedules. Instead, Meridian brings English lessons right to your child’s screen.

Lessons That Travel Beyond the Classroom 

Our method combines direct language learning and cultural exploration. In a typical food vocabulary lesson, students do more than just remember words; they engage in a lively discussion about various cuisines, exchanging stories about their favorite foods.  

This strategy makes learning more interesting and encourages greater awareness of different cultures. 

Why Meridian?


Tailored Learning 

At Meridian, we understand that every child is unique. Before starting our online English courses, we assess each student’s level and learning needs. Whether your child is a beginner or already familiar with English, we’ve got them covered. 

Experienced Teachers 

Our highly qualified teachers are passionate about nurturing young minds. They create engaging lessons, encourage interaction, and provide personalized feedback.  

Small Groups, Big Impact 

In our virtual classrooms, your child won’t get lost in the crowd. Small mixed nationality groups ensure active participation and meaningful connections.  

Core Skills Focus 

Reading, writing, speaking, and listening – these are the building blocks of language. At Meridian, we hone these skills through our online English courses, preparing your child for real-world communication. With the youngest learners, our focus is on English fluency and pronunciation skills.

The Meridian Advantage


Global Reach

Meridian isn’t bound by geography. We welcome students from all corners of the world. Imagine your child learning alongside peers from different cultures and backgrounds!  

British Council Accreditation 

Our programs meet the highest standards. Your child’s progress is in safe hands.

Looking Ahead

Meridian School of English isn’t just about teaching English; it’s about empowering young learners. As parents, we’re part of this exciting journey. So, let’s celebrate the transformation – from old school to digital cool—and watch our children thrive in the language of the future.

Remember, the world is their classroom, and Meridian is their guide. Let’s embrace the digital learning evolution together!

How Online English Lessons Open a World of Cultural Discovery.

How Online English Lessons Open a World of Cultural Discovery.

Author: Ren Cronje
Date: 06/06/2024

Hello parents! Are you looking to enrich your child’s education by not only enhancing their English skills but also broadening their cultural horizons? At The Meridian School of English, we’ve crafted a unique learning experience that does exactly that, right from the comfort of your home.

More Than Just English Lessons

Understanding and appreciating different cultures is not only good, but also necessary in today’s global community. Meridian is about more than simply learning English; it is also about using English to overcome cultural gaps.  

Imagine your child logging into a school with classmates from different countries. They may be discussing local festivals with a new friend in Brazil one minute and comparing traditional dinner ideas with a Japanese student the next. Meridian’s lessons are a step into a broader world. 

An Engaging Classroom Experience 

Our lessons provide more than just standard language training. They are energetic cultural interactions that are both informative and revealing. Each session seems like a mini-cultural festival, with students sharing and celebrating their customs and daily lives.  

This discussion broadens each child’s perspective of the world, teaching respect and empathy through genuine relationships that textbooks just can’t match. 

Building the Global Citizens of Tomorrow 

Why are we so focused on culture? Because today’s children will grow up to be global citizens. In Meridian lessons, studying English becomes a tool for communicating, connecting, and managing a world where cultural barriers are more blurred.  

Our lessons teach more than simply vocabulary; they also use language as a tool for real-world involvement, preparing your child to flourish in a multicultural environment.

Lessons That Travel Beyond the Classroom 

Our method combines direct language learning and cultural exploration. In a typical food vocabulary lesson, students do more than just remember words; they engage in a lively discussion about various cuisines, exchanging stories about their favorite foods.  

This strategy makes learning more interesting and encourages greater awareness of different cultures. 

Convenient and Comprehensive Education 

We understand the difficulties of balancing educational demands with daily life, which is why our online platform was created for convenience without losing quality.  

Your child may receive a world-class education, engage with friends from all backgrounds, and acquire a solid understanding of English and the world at large—all from home. 

Embark on This Educational Journey with Meridian

As you think about the next steps in your child’s learning journey, consider the value of a school that offers more than just language skills. At The Meridian School of English, every lesson is a cultural dialogue, every day is a new discovery.  

Join us and give your child the advantage of becoming not just fluent in English, but also a confident, informed member of the global community.   

Let’s make learning an adventure filled with the rich colors of the world. 

How Native English Speaking Teachers Make All the Difference in Your Child’s Online English Learning.

How Native-English Speaking Teachers Make All the Difference in Your Child’s Online English Learning.

Author: Ren Cronje
Date: 06/06/2024

The Meridian School of English takes great care in providing high-quality English language education based on the popular Oxford University Press materials that are also compatible with Cambridge Examinations.       

Here’s a brief outline of how we guarantee that our teachers are fully prepared to assist your child succeed in their English studies while using real British English. 

Finding the Perfect Teachers 

When seeking new teachers, we’re selective about who we bring on board.  We want native English speakers who are not simply fluent in English but also genuinely enthusiastic about teaching. 

Our teachers have strong academic backgrounds and many years of experience teaching English as a second language (ESL). They’re kind, engaging, and excellent at interacting with learners from diverse backgrounds and cultures.    

Making Every Class Engaging 

Without the customary classroom excitement, online lessons can be challenging, but our native-speaking teachers know how to maintain high levels of enthusiasm. They tailor their approach by understanding each student’s interests and make teaching enjoyable using games and interactive exercises from the Cambridge curriculum. This keeps our students interested and excited about learning more. 

Quick and Personalised Teaching Adjustments 

Our teachers are trained to swiftly identify each student’s strengths and areas where they could use extra help. Using the organized method of the Cambridge curriculum, they adopt their teaching method to meet each child’s individual needs, ensuring that everyone receives the attention they need. 

Adapting to Challenges 

Teaching online has unique challenges, ranging from unexpected technical glitches to educational adaptation on the go. Our teachers are prepared for everything, with backup plans and well-organized lesson plans that ensure sessions go smoothly. 

Understanding and Respecting Cultural Differences

We also provide training to our teachers on diverse cultures and how to demonstrate mutual respect.  We want all of our children to feel accepted and valued, regardless of where they come from. This cultural awareness helps create a positive and inclusive learning environment. 

By maintaining these high standards in selecting and training our teachers, we ensure that your child doesn’t just learn English—they grow to love it, all through the Oxford University Press curriculum and with a genuine British thoroughness. We’re excited to help your child expand their horizons and succeed in the global community. 

Five Lifelong Benefits of Learning English Online for Your Child.

Top 5 Lifelong Benefits of Learning English Online for Children.

Author: Ren Cronje
Date: 06/06/2024

In today’s increasingly linked world, learning a second language is more than just learning to speak; it is an important tool that broadens young minds and offers up endless possibilities. Meridian School of English is deeply experienced in providing all 4 skills needed for mastering English. 

 If you’re wondering what the benefits are for children learning English, other than simply being able to speak and write in their new language, then this is for you. Let’s look at why teaching your child English online at Meridian is more than simply a learning experience.  

Top 5 Lifelong Benefits of Learning English Online for Children.

1. Boosts Cognitive Flexibility

Picture your child handling multiple tasks smoothly and adjusting quickly to new challenges. Learning English achieves just that—it improves cognitive flexibility.  

What are the benefits of learning a second language? As children move between languages, they stimulate various regions of their brain, improving their ability to switch tasks quickly. This mental agility benefits many aspects of life, from academics to creativity.

2. Enhances Problem-Solving Skills

Learning English brings us an entirely new view on the world, providing different cultural insights and methods of organising ideas.  

This experience broadens analytical abilities and develops young problem solvers. Your child will learn to approach challenges from different viewpoints, which is an important ability for any future job in today’s global world.

3. Improves Memory and Attention 

Did you know that bilingual children often outperform those who speak only one language in memory and attention tasks? According to A Bayesian analysis of 147 studies, managing two languages improves the brain’s executive functioning and increases working memory. This means your child will remember more knowledge and concentrate better, providing them with an advantage in any learning environment.

4. Delays Cognitive Decline

What are the benefits of being bilingual, you may ask? Well, bilingualism can provide long-term benefits. According to a SwissDEM study, multilingual people may experience cognitive decline years later than those who speak just one language. While this advantage may appear far away, it is encouraging to know that today’s education can help to a healthy mind later in life.

5. Increases Empathy and Cultural Sensitivity 

Learning a second language is about more than vocabulary and grammar–it’s about understanding cultural subtleties. This knowledge builds empathy and cultural awareness, allowing your child to understand and navigate the world’s huge diversity. These characteristics are crucial in building collaboration and understanding among diverse groups.

What Makes The Meridian School of English So Effective? 

At Meridian, we don’t just teach English; we ignite a passion for learning that lasts a lifetime. Our interactive and child-friendly methods make the learning process fun and engaging. Our experienced educators are dedicated to nurturing young minds with lessons that are both educational and captivating.

Embarking on this bilingual journey with your child sets them up for academic success and instills essential life skills that go beyond the classroom. It’s an adventure that expands their horizons and prepares them to excel in a globalized world.

Choose Meridian School of English and watch your child thrive in the world of English, today and tomorrow!

Unlocking Your Child’s Potential to Learn English Together

How Parents Can Support Their Children Learning English.

Author: Ren Cronje
Date: 06/06/2024

As a parent looking for an online English school for your child, knowing your role in their education, may make a big impact.

The Meridian School of English emphasizes a teaching technique that not only promotes your child’s language growth but also includes you as an important part of their learning journey, even if English is your second language.  

Here's how we do it, and how you can help your child learn English at home.

The Importance of Parental Involvement 

Parental involvement is crucial in online English lessons. When you participate, you’re not just observing – you’re actively enhancing the learning process. At Meridian, we encourage you to understand the grammar, vocabulary, and objectives of each lesson.

This dual learning path not only boosts your own language skills but also creates a supportive community feel at home. It’s about learning together and using everyday moments to reinforce lessons, whether through fun quizzes or casual revision.

How to Support Your Child Learning English without Overstepping 

Are you wondering how you may be engaged without being too annoying? It’s easier than you would imagine. Here’s how to support your child throughout the learning process:  

Encourage “play”: turn common household items, such as toys, food, or furniture, into a game to study language. Ask a question such as “What’s this?” and “Can you find something blue?” These activities make learning natural and enjoyable. You may also help by being present during classes to assist with technology use or to give gentle advice on homework.

Keep them interested between courses: use flashcards, watch English children’s shows, read books, and play language-based activities using materials that your child will enjoy most. Focusing on your child’s interests through these activities can help them maintain and improve their English exposure and ability.

Offer praise: children can be afraid of making mistakes in front of their peers, and they may feel more at ease experimenting with their parents. Be sure to praise them when they succeed and encourage them to be confident when learning and speaking English at home.

The Impact of Your Engagement on Your Child’s English Learning 

Your involvement directly affects your child’s motivation. When children see you engaged and interested, it motivates them to participate even more eagerly.

This working together transforms learning into a shared adventure, making learning English more enjoyable for children rather than a task to be completed.

How to Overcome Challenges 

Online learning poses certain challenges, such as attention span, finding a quiet spot, and technical concerns. Meridian recommends setting up a designated learning environment and maintaining a reliable internet connection.

Our friendly teachers are available to assist you and your child in establishing a comfortable relationship, making the beginning courses a little easier.

Tools and Resources to Support You and Your child on Their English Learning Journey 

Meridian provides various materials to help you effectively support your child.  

You may connect with your child after class hours by listening to lesson recordings, singing along to songs, and using interactive tools to help them remember what they have learned. 

Common Misconceptions 

Some parents may be concerned that their children won’t understand what is being taught or that their involvement would be discouraged.

Meridian understands these concerns and ensures that our teaching techniques evaluate and adjust your child’s and your language competence levels. Translations can be useful, but our primary focus is on improving direct interaction and understanding skills in English.

Guidance for Non-English-Speaking Parents 

Meridian utilises multilingual communication and tools to ensure that parents with a limited English proficiency can easily follow along and assist their children’s learning without language challenges. 

How Your Help Improves Your Child’s English Learning Consistency 

At Meridian School of English, we believe that your active participation is key to your child’s success in learning English online.

By joining forces, we can turn the challenge of learning a new language into a fulfilling journey of shared achievements.

The Meridian School of English Is Where Tradition and Modern Learning Meet.

The Meridian School of English Is Where Tradition and Modern Learning Meet.

Author: Ren Cronje
Date: 06/06/2024

What is the best online English school for your child? We believe you’ll find a dependable and effective option in the Meridian School of English. In a world where educational trends often change, Meridian remains a constant, faithfully upholding the principles of a quality British education.

What sets Meridian apart? It’s our commitment to maintaining a team of highly trained and qualified teachers. These educators aren’t just experts in their fields; they’re skilled in connecting with students in a meaningful and modern way.

At Meridian, the enduring values of the British education system are not just a backdrop but are integral to our teaching approach. This ensures that your child not only learns English but does so in a way that builds a solid and lasting foundation.

Let's explore what sets us apart!

Thorough Teacher Screening Process

Our commitment to quality education is reflected in our thorough teacher screening process. We test prospective teachers’ digital skills and their ability to build trust and engagement with students in a friendly and supportive manner.

This ensures that our teachers are not just educators, but also mentors who guide students through their learning journey at our online English school.

Highly Experienced and Certified Teachers

At Meridian, we pride ourselves on our team of British trained and certified teachers. These professionals bring with them the rigour and discipline of the British education system, ensuring that our students receive an education that is second to none. 

This ensures that our teachers are not just educators, but also mentors who guide students through their learning journey.  All our teachers’ academic credentials undergo strict verification.

Expert Assessment of Student Levels

Our teachers’ experience allows them to expertly assess their students’ levels and teach at multiple levels in one class. This personalised approach makes the learning experience uniquely suited to each student.

Our teachers also make recommendations for progressing to the next level and areas for additional focus, ensuring that each student’s learning journey is tailored to their needs.

Strict Safeguarding Protocols 

At Meridian, we understand that a safe environment is conducive to learning and protecting your child online. All our UK-based teachers are subjected to a DBS (Disclosure and Barring Scheme) check, whilst in other locations our teachers undergo a Police Clearance Check.

Our teachers adhere to the strictest safeguarding protocols, ensuring that our classrooms are safe spaces where students can focus on learning without any distractions or concerns.  

Ongoing Professional Development

We believe that great teachers never stop learning. That’s why we mandate ongoing professional development for our teachers.

This enables them to stay on top of new tools, research, and materials that can enrich the learners’ experience. 

A True Calling 

The dedication of our teachers extends beyond the confines of the English language. They are committed to nurturing not just students, but well-rounded individuals destined for bright futures. Their deep care and commitment to their calling are evident in the way they foster growth in their students.

At Meridian School of English, we believe in the power of education to transform lives, and our teachers are the torchbearers of this belief. Their unwavering dedication to their students is a testament to the enduring values of a fine British education.

Fast-Track Your Child’s English Progress: Unlocking Online Learning Secrets!

Fast-Track Your Child’s English Progress: Unlocking Online Learning Secrets!

Author: Ren Cronje
Date: 4/06/2024

Understanding how memory functions, could enhance your child’s effectiveness in studying English online.   

If you are wondering “How can I teach my child English? And fast!” You’ve come to the right place. The Meridian School of English concentrates on implementing an innovative approach based on the Ebbinghaus Forgetting Curve.  

Imagine this curve to be a graph showing how quickly we forget things unless we study them again. It is highest shortly after we learn anything new, implying that we forget rapidly unless we continue to practice.

Meridian employs The Ebbinghaus Forgetting Curve to make learning English stick with your child:

Shorter classes improve learning outcomes 

Meridian makes the classes short and simple, and they happen more often. This allows your child to reflect on what they have learnt before it fades away. It’s like watering a plant on a regular basis: it is vital for its health and growth!

Shorter English classes to keep your child’s focus 

Children’s attention spans are usually shorter, so long classes might cause them to lose interest Meridian’s shorter classes not only help your child to quickly improve their English vocabulary and listening skills online, but we also keep your child interested throughout the class, allowing them to understand everything being taught without feeling overwhelmed. 

Regular teacher reviews to support your child’s English learning 

Meridian assesses your child’s individual learning rate. This tailored approach ensures that your child receives the proper type of practice at the right time, allowing them to more effectively remember what they are being taught. 

How can I improve my child’s English communication skills? 

Learning English for kids is easier when they actively use the language 

Meridian also believes in hands-on education. This means that your child will not only remember vocabulary, but also use it in everyday situations throughout classes, allowing them to improve their English vocabulary over time. This strategy makes the learning experience more meaningful and memorable. 

The Meridian School of English uses the Ebbinghaus Forgetting Curve into their teaching techniques, ensuring that your child not only learns English but also remembers and uses what they have learnt.  

This unique approach helps your child become more confident and fluent in English, turning them into a keen English speaker, ready to explore the world!