English classes for 10–13 years old kids -

Courses for children 10–13 years old

Our early-secondary courses bring age-appropriate content and topics designed to stimulate students’ interests and encourage participation.


These courses focus on developing fluency and accuracy in speaking, whilst also developing receptive (reading and listening) skills, using a communicative approach to language learning.
Find out more about Meridian Courses schedule, syllabus and academic calendar below.

Class allocation takes both the student’s age and level of English into account. Test your child’s level of English now.


New students aged 10-13 can start their Meridian classes on Mondays or Tuesdays, providing you complete the registration by 9.30 am (UK) on the chosen start date. The course dates include public holidays and school closures.

During booking, you will find the course dates for children aged 10-13. A sample timetable is below. Time adjustments follow UK's GMT to BST transition. We will notify you if this affects your child's class.

2 times a week GMT/BST +1

3 times a week GMT/BST +1


If your course includes a UK public holiday there is no lesson on that day. You will be notified in advance. Summer Holidays take place in August. Check out our holiday calendar below.

What your child will learn at each levels?

• Can understand and use familiar everyday expressions and very basic phrases.


• Can introduce him/herself and others and can ask and answer questions about personal details such as where he/she lives, people he/she knows and things he/she has.


• Can interact in a simple way provided the other person talks slowly and clearly and is prepared to help.

• Can understand sentences and frequently used expressions related to areas of most immediate relevance (e.g. very basic personal and family information, shopping, local geography, employment).


• Can communicate in simple and routine tasks requiring a simple and direct exchange of information on familiar and routine matters.


• Can describe in simple terms aspects of his/her background, immediate environment and matters in areas of immediate need.

• Can understand the main points of clear standard input on familiar matters regularly encountered in work, school, leisure, etc.


• Can deal with most situations likely to arise whilst travelling in an area where the language is spoken. Can produce simple connected text on topics which are familiar or of personal interest.


• Can describe experiences and events, dreams, hopes & ambitions and briefly give reasons and explanations for opinions and plans.

Secondary Content Course 10–13 year-olds

Units 1 - 2

Course Title






12 weeks


18–30 h

Core Themes Core Vocabulary Core Grammar Core Pronunciation

• Me!
• At home

• Feelings and Family
• Telling the time
• Items in a room and pets
• Polite requests

• ‘be’ singular and plural
• ‘have/has got…’
• Possessives
• ‘this, that, these, those’

• Rhythm
• /ɒ/
• /ɔː/

Units 3 - 4

Course Title






12 weeks


18–30 h

Core Themes Core Vocabulary Core Grammar Core Pronunciation

• My day, your day
• After school

• ‘My routine’ and
everyday verbs
• Polite requests
• Indoor/outdoor activities
and Musical instruments
• Offers and requests

• Present simple
• Present continuous
• ‘Wh-‘ questions
• Object pronouns

• / tʃ/
• /dʒ/
• /v/
• /w/

Units 5 - 6

Course Title






12 weeks


18–30 h

Core Themes Core Vocabulary Core Grammar Core Pronunciation

• In town
• At the weekend

• Places in a town and
• Shopping dialogue
• Clothes and jobs
• Phone language

• ‘there is/there are’
• Prepositions of place
• Present simple review
and extension
• Present continuous
review and extension

• /θ/
• /ð/
• /r/
• Silent ‘r’

Units 1 - 2

Course Title






12 weeks


18–30 h

Core Themes Core Vocabulary Core Grammar Core Pronunciation

• My life
• I live here

• Things you can do and
family members
• Questions and answers
• Prepositions of place
• Making suggestions

• ‘can/can’t’
• love/like/don’t like’
• ‘there is/are, a/an/some/
• Possessive adjectives
and pronouns

• /æ/
• /ɑː/
• /ə/
• /eə/

Units 3 - 4

Course Title






12 weeks

18–30 h

Core Themes Core Vocabulary Core Grammar Core Pronunciation

• Animals everywhere
• Be active!

• Features of animals
• Opinions/adjectives
• Adjective opposites and
• Physical problems

• Comparatives
• Superlatives
• Adverbs
• Past simple ‘be’

• /ə/
• /w/
• /v/

Units 5 - 6

Course Title






12 weeks


18–30 h

Core Themes Core Vocabulary Core Grammar Core Pronunciation

• Travelling
• Food is fun!

• Holidays and activities
• Story questions
• Meals and verb phrases
• Asking/stating

• Past simple + and –
• Past simple questions
• Present continuous vs
present simple

• /d/
• /t/
• /ɪd/
• Irregular verbs

Units 1 - 2

Course Title






12 weeks

18–30 h

Core Themes Core Vocabulary Core Grammar Core Pronunciation

• Me and my life
• Survival!

• Describing people,
school and school
• Asking for and giving
• Weather
• Expressing sympathy
and regret

• Adverbs of frequency
• Present simple and
continuous; stative verbs
• Past simple regular and

• /s/
• /z/
• /e/
• /iː/

Units 3 - 4

Course Title






12 weeks

18–30 h

Core Themes Core Vocabulary Core Grammar Core Pronunciation

• Food and health
• High-tech

• Food and drink nouns
• Giving instructions and
polite requests
• The internet and
• Offering help

• Countable and
uncountable nouns
• ‘some’ and ‘any’
• ‘Will’ for future
• Be going to

• /ɑː/
• /æ/
• /v/
• /w/

Units 5- 6

Course Title






12 weeks


18–30 h

Core Themes Core Vocabulary Core Grammar Core Pronunciation

• City and country
• What’s the matter?

• City places and
prepositions of place
• Asking for and giving
• Phrasal verbs
• Persuading and

• Comparative and
superlative adjectives
• ‘should’ / ‘shouldn’t’
• ‘must’ / ‘mustn’t’
• ‘have to’ / ‘don’t have to’

• Sounding polite
• Silent letter

Units 1 - 2

Course Title






12 weeks


18–30 h

Core Themes Core Vocabulary Core Grammar Core Pronunciation

• Family histories
• Teen life

• Life stages and verbs of
• Giving news
• Adjectives to describe
• Making invitations

• Past simple ‘used to’
• Past continuous
• Present perfect and past
• ‘already’, ‘yet’, ‘for’ and

• Syllables
• /æ/
• /eɪ/

Units 3 - 4

Course Title






12 weeks


18–30 h

Core Themes Core Vocabulary Core Grammar Core Pronunciation

• Me, myself and I
• It’s a mystery

• Parts of the body,
illnesses, injuries and
• Making a call
• Idioms for strong
emotion, descriptive
adjectives and adverbs
• Expressing surprise

• ‘can/could/will be able to’
and ‘have to/had to’
• Reflexive pronouns:
• Relative clauses, relative
pronouns and indefinite
• Countable and
uncountable nouns

• /ɒ/
• /əʊ/
• /ɪ/
• /ɑɪ/

Units 5 - 6

Course Title






12 weeks

18–30 h

Core Themes Core Vocabulary Core Grammar Core Pronunciation

• Space: the final frontier
• Imagine that!

• Space, large numbers,
distance and speed
• Agreeing and disagreeing
• Film and book genres
• Expressing certainty and

• Comparatives
• Superlatives
• Zero conditional
• First conditional

• /ð/
• /θ/
• /ə/

Units 1 - 2

Course Title






12 weeks


18–30 h

Core Themes Core Vocabulary Core Grammar Core Pronunciation

• Social circles
• New horizons

• Relationship adjectives
and expressions
• Expressing opinions
• Day trip attractions and
adjectives to describe
• Expressing preferences

• Comparatives
• Superlatives
• Zero conditional
• First conditional

• /ð/
• /θ/
• /ə/

Units 3 - 4

Course Title




12 weeks


18–30 h

Core Themes Core Vocabulary Core Grammar Core Pronunciation

• Respect
• Travel

• Practical science nouns
and phrasal verbs for
• Expressing advantages
and disadvantages
• Buildings and travel
• Expressing belief and

• Modals: advice,
obligation and necessity
• Permission and
• Second conditional
• Adverbs of frequency

• Sentence stress
• /aɪ/
• /i/
• /j/

Unit 5

Course Title






12 weeks


18–30 h

Core Themes Core Vocabulary Core Grammar Core Pronunciation

• Surviving the test of time
• Globalization

• Verbs and dependent
• Compound nouns
• Modern life nouns
• Agreeing and disagreeing

• The passive
• Defining and non-
defining relative clauses
• Countable and
uncountable nouns
• Determiners

• Word stress

Unit 6

Course Title






12 weeks


18–30 h

Core Themes Core Vocabulary Core Grammar Core Pronunciation

• Our world
• Online hoaxes

• Digital media
• Shopping nouns
• Fashion adjectives
• Giving instructions

• Reported speech
• Reported commands and
• Subject and object

• /ʌ/
• /uː/

Not sure of your child’s level of English? Ask them to take our free level test or talk to our educational adviser place them in a suitable class.