English classes for 5–6 years old kids -

Courses for children 5–6 years old

Children at this age are like sponges; they absorb information very quickly! Our pre-primary courses are designed to be fun, using a mix of activities to maximize engagement, and delivered in an expressive way.

We lay the foundations of the English language, focusing on phonemic awareness (learning sounds) and letter recognition, while exposing students to new vocabulary and communicative situations.
Find out more about Meridian Courses schedule, syllabus and academic calendar below.

Class allocation takes both the student’s age and level of English into account. Test your child’s level of English now.


New students aged 5-6 can start their Meridian classes on Mondays or Tuesdays, providing you complete the registration by 9.30 am (UK) on the chosen start date. The course dates include public holidays and school closures.

During booking, you will find the course dates for children aged 5-6. A sample timetable is below. Time adjustments follow UK's GMT to BST transition. We will notify you if this affects your child's class.

2 times a week GMT/BST +1

3 times a week GMT/BST +1


If your course includes a UK public holiday there is no lesson on that day. You will be notified in advance. Summer Holidays take place in August. Check out our holiday calendar below.

What your child will learn at each levels?

• Can recognise numbers, prices, days of the week, if they are spoken clearly and slowly.


• Can recognise familiar words accompanied by pictures such as a picture book using familiar vocabulary.


• Can produce short phrases about themselves, giving basic personal information.

• Can understand and use familiar everyday expressions and very basic phrases.


• Can introduce him/herself and others and can ask and answer questions about personal details such as where he/she lives, people he/she knows and things he/she has.


• Can interact in a simple way provided the other person talks slowly and clearly and is prepared to help.

Primary Content Course 5–6 year-olds

Units 1-4

Course Title






12 weeks


18–30 h

Core Themes Core Vocabulary Core Grammar Core Pronunciation

• Hello
• My things
• My farm
• My family

• Classroom objects and
• Shapes, colours and
• Clothes and parts of the
• Family members and

• Say hello, introduce
yourself and talk about
your family
• Ask about and identify
• Describe the shape and
colour of different
• Talk about likes and

• Letters and phonics A-Z
• Numbers 1-20

Units 1 - 4

Course Title






12 weeks


18–30 h

Core Themes Core Vocabulary Core Grammar Core Pronunciation

• What do we like about school?
• What’s interesting about
• How do we have fun?
• What do we like about animals?

• Classroom objects and
• Family member and
descriptive adjectives
• Toys and outdoor
• Pets and farm animals

• ‘It’s a…’ and ‘have got/
haven’t got’
• ‘This is my…’ and ‘He’s/
• ‘Have you got…?’ and
‘can/can’t (ability)’
• ‘Like/don’t like’ and

• Consonant sounds /r/
• Long vowel sounds /ɚ/
• Consonant sounds /p/
• Consonant sounds /s/

Units 5 - 8

Course Title





12 weeks

18–30 h

Core Themes Core Vocabulary Core Grammar Core Pronunciation

• What do we eat?
• How are people and animals different?
• How are we different?
• What are our homes like?

• Food
• Parts of the body
• Clothes and associated
• Rooms in a house and

• ‘What do you…?’ and
‘Do you like…?’
• ‘We / plural nouns’ and
‘Can they…? (ability)’
• Present continuous and
‘Has she got…?’
• Prepositions of place and
‘There’s/There are’

• Consonant sounds /tʃ/
• Consonant sounds /g/
• Consonant sounds /ʃ/
• Consonant sounds /ŋ/

Units 1 - 4

Course Title






12 weeks


18–30 h

Core Themes Core Vocabulary Core Grammar Core Pronunciation

• Why do we like
• What’s fun about games?
• Why are towns great?
• How can we be healthy?

• Possessions and
adjectives (feelings)
• Jobs and toys
• Places in a town and
prepositions of place
• Sports and break time

• Possessive adjectives
• ‘Is he/she…?’,
‘This is/These are…’
• ‘Is there a…?’ and
‘Are there any…?’
• Present Simple

• Consonant sounds /w/
• The sound /b/
• The sounds /m/
• Pronounce the /eɪ/
sound (game/play/train)

Units 5 - 8

Course Title






12 weeks


18–30 h

Core Themes Core Vocabulary Core Grammar Core Pronunciation

• Why are animals
• What do we do at school?
• What’s fun about being
• What’s great about making things?

• Wild animals and things
they do
• School subjects and
• Outdoor things and
• Arts and crafts and

• Present simple
• Present continuous
• Possessive pronouns and
‘Would you like a/some…?’
• Like + ing and

• Pronounce the /h/ sound
• Long vowel sound /ɪ/ (meet/beach/me)
• Words with the /əʊ/ sound (phone/home/
• Pronounce the /ð/ sound (This/That/

Units 1 - 4

Course Title






12 weeks


18– 30 h

Core Themes Core Vocabulary Core Grammar Core Pronunciation

• How do we make friends?
• What are our routines?
• What’s fun about music?
• What’s fun about food?

• Activities and prepositions of movement
• Daily routines and
• Musical instruments and types of music
• Food items and food
from around the world

• Present continuous and imperatives
• Present simple (question
• Present simple Wh-
questions and adverbs of
• Countable and uncountable nouns and
making requests with
‘would like’

• The sound /ei/
• The plural ‘s’ sound
• Long and short vowel
sounds /iː/ (Street) and /
ɪ/ (dancing)
• Consonant sounds /ʃ/
(Shares) and /tʃ/ (Chooses)

Units 5 - 8

Course Title






12 weeks


18–30 h

Core Themes Core Vocabulary Core Grammar Core Pronunciation

• How do we make friends?
• What are our routines?
• What’s fun about music?
• What’s fun about food?

• Beach activities and
associated adjectives
• Talents and personal
• Places and furniture
• Feature of a town and
the countryside

• Questions with ‘Want to’
and short adjective
• Be good at + -ing and
short adjective
• Past simple questions
(verb ‘be’) and Past simple of ‘be’
• ‘There was/were…’ and past simple regular verbs

• Vowel sounds /ɔː/ (walks)
and /əʊ/ (telephones)
• Short vowel sound /æ/
(Harry) and long vowel
sound /aː/ (large)
• ‘the’ before vowels and
consonants /ðə/ and /ðiː/
• Consonant sounds /p/ and /b/

Units 1 - 4

Course Title






12 weeks


18–30 h

Core Themes Core Vocabulary Core Grammar Core Pronunciation

• What’s exciting about
• What’s great about
• What’s fun about
• How do we spend free

• Camping activities and
types of transport
• Ways of communicating
and associated adjectives
• Museum activities and
words for rules
• Free time activities and
adventure parks

• Past simple irregular
verbs and past simple
• Long adjective
comparatives and
describing ability with
‘could’ and ‘couldn’t’
• ‘be going to’ and ‘must/
mustn’t’ for rules
• Past simple with ‘last’ and
adverbs of manner

• Vowel sounds /ɜː/ (third)
and /eə/ (hair)
• Vowel sounds /ʊ/
(looking) and /uː/ (pool)
• Consonant sounds /d/
(david) and /ð/ (that’s)
• Vowel sounds /ɔɪ/ (toy)
and /aʊ/ (flower)

Units 5 - 8

Course Title






12 weeks


18–30 h

Core Themes Core Vocabulary Core Grammar Core Pronunciation

• What’s great about a zoo?
• Where do people work?
• Where can we go shopping?
• What’s fun about an
after-school club?

• Zoo animals and Zoo keeper jobs
• Places in a town and jobs
in a film studio
• Shops and containers
• Types of film and clothes

• ‘going to + affirmative,
negative and questions’
and ‘have to’
• Relative pronouns
‘Where’ and ‘who’
• Infinitive of purpose and
• Present continuous vs.
present simple and
expressions of frequency

• The /aʊ/ sound
• Words with the /ːl/ sound
• Pronounce the letters /y/
and /jː/ (yoghurt/jam)
• Pronounce and identify
the sounds /k/ and /g/

Not sure of your child’s level of English? Ask them to take our free level test or talk to our educational adviser place them in a suitable class.