Group Learning Vs Individual Lessons: Which Is Best?

Group Learning Vs Individual Lessons: Exploring The Best Approach To English Language Learning

Author: Nicole Sage

Date: 29/06/2023

Author: Nicole Sage

Date: 12/05/2023

group learning vs individual lessons

When it comes to learning a language or any kind of educational endeavor, a common question that springs to mind is the group learning vs individual lessons debate.

English language learning isn’t an overnight process and different teaching styles can suit different people based on their learning style.

At Meridian English we pride ourselves on our group learning philosophy, but don’t just take our word for it, join us as we delve into the advantages and considerations of group learning vs individual lessons to help you determine the best method for your English language learning journey.

Group Learning Vs Individual Lessons

Group Learning: The Power of Collaboration

Group learning refers to studying English in a classroom setting or participating in language courses online where multiple learners come together. Here are some advantages of group learning:

Peer Interaction and Support: 

In a group learning environment, learners have the opportunity to interact with peers, engage in conversations, and practice English through meaningful interactions. 

Collaborative activities, discussions, and group projects can foster a supportive and motivating atmosphere.

At Meridian English, we have small class sizes (up to 6 students) which helps to facilitate real interaction between students, whilst also allowing the teacher to take individual needs into account.

Diverse Perspectives: 

Group learning brings together learners from different backgrounds, cultures, and language proficiency levels. 

This diversity allows for exposure to various accents, cultural nuances, and different ways of approaching language learning. It enhances cultural understanding and provides a rich learning experience.

group learning vs individual lessons

Language Practice Opportunities: 

Group learning provides ample opportunities for language practice through pair work, group activities, and role plays. 

Learners can practice their speaking, listening, and even writing skills with their classmates, which can help build confidence and fluency.

Shared Learning Resources: 

In a group setting, learners can benefit from shared learning resources such as textbooks, handouts, and online materials. 

The group dynamic allows for the exchange of ideas, strategies, and study resources, creating a collaborative learning environment.

Individual Lessons: 1-1 Experience

Individual lessons involve one-on-one instruction with a teacher or tutor which can take place online or in person. 1-1 lesson bring a whole range of advantages which include;

Personalised Attention: 

With individual lessons, learners receive personalised attention and tailored instruction based on their specific needs, strengths, and weaknesses. 

The teacher can identify areas for improvement and focus on individual learning goals, adjusting the pace and content accordingly.

Flexible Learning Path: 

Individual lessons allow learners to follow their own learning path and progress at their own pace. 

The teacher can adapt the curriculum and teaching methods to suit the learner’s preferred learning style and address their specific areas of difficulty.

Targeted Feedback: 

In one-on-one lessons, learners receive immediate and targeted feedback on their language skills. 

The teacher can provide guidance, correct errors, and offer strategies for improvement in real-time, facilitating rapid progress.

Time Efficiency: 

Individual lessons can be time-efficient as the learner can focus solely on their own learning needs. 

There is no need to wait for others or accommodate different learning speeds. Lessons can be structured to maximise the learner’s time and concentration.

group learning vs individual lessons

Meridian English - more than just English lessons.

Considerations for Choosing the Right Approach:

When deciding between group learning and individual lessons for English language learning, consider the following factors:

Learning Objectives: 

Clarify your learning objectives and the specific skills you want to improve. If you aim to enhance your conversational skills or practice speaking in a group setting, group learning can be beneficial. In small groups, these student-to-student interactions can occur both naturally and be easily facilitated by the teacher.

If you require focused attention on specific language areas, individual lessons may be more suitable.

Preferred Learning Style: 

Reflect on your preferred learning style. If you thrive in a social and interactive environment, group learning can provide the necessary engagement. 

However, if you prefer a quieter and more focused learning experience, individual lessons may better align with your learning style.

Time and Schedule: 

Consider your availability and schedule constraints. Group classes often have fixed schedules, while individual lessons can offer more flexibility in terms of timing and frequency. 

Choose the option that best fits your lifestyle and allows for consistent learning.


Take into account your budget and financial resources. Group classes are typically more cost-effective, as the expenses are shared among the participants. 

Individual lessons, on the other hand, often come at a higher cost due to the personalised attention provided by the teacher.

Motivation and Accountability: 

Reflect on your level of self-motivation and accountability. Group learning can provide a sense of accountability through shared learning goals and peer support. 

However, individual lessons may offer a higher level of accountability as the focus is solely on your progress, and the teacher can hold you accountable for your learning journey.

Utilising Technology: The Rise In Online Classes

In today’s digital age, technology has revolutionised language learning. Online platforms, language apps, and virtual classrooms offer additional options for both group learning and individual lessons. 

Virtual group classes can bring together learners from around the world, providing a diverse learning experience which is true of the online classes at Meridian English. Mixed nationality groups create a diverse and positive learning environment, with praise and encouragement to help children gain confidence. 

Similarly, individual online lessons offer the benefits of personalised attention and flexibility without geographical limitations.

When it comes to English language learning, choosing between group learning and individual lessons depends on various factors, including your learning objectives, preferred learning style, schedule, budget, and level of motivation. 

Group learning provides peer interaction, diverse perspectives, and collaborative opportunities, while individual lessons offer personalised attention, flexibility, and targeted feedback.

Remember, consistent practice, dedication, and immersion in English language contexts are key regardless of the learning approach you choose.

Looking to take your young learners’ English language to the next level? Our online English classes for children aged 5-15 will take them from beginner to confident English speaker in a supportive group setting, book your course today.


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