English for kids OLD -

Unlock Your Child's Potential
From beginner to confident English speaker

Online English classes for children aged 5–13
Our engaging and safe online classes help children build language skills, boost confidence and make friends from around the world!
Qualified British teachers so your child learns from the best!
The #1 accredited provider means your child's growth is in trusted hands.
Interactive, fun learning in short classes tailored to your child's level.

More than just English lessons

What makes us the best online English school?

How will your child learn during the English classes?


Who will make sure your children enjoy learning English?

How do we make our classes fun and effective?

What certificate will your child receive after each course?

Why do we have the most effective method of learning English?

Meridian English Courses

With different levels, Oxford University Press materials and qualified teachers our courses are designed for children from 5 to 13 years old to learn English faster and more effectively.

Our own developed digital platform allows us to teach English to children in a safe and fun environment. Following a group work methodology based on individualised teaching depending on the needs of each child, our students can learn English by interacting with peers from different countries and doing e-learning activities with Oxford University Press materials.

Course plans

Our English courses are organised in blocks of 3 months; in this way we ensure that children learn English effectively and receive their level certificate periodically.

Class length

We have optimised the session length based on children’s age: 30-minute classes for 5 to 13 year-olds.

Interactive sessions

Having online regular live classes with small group of international students (up to 6) help children to learn English faster and more effectively.


1 to 6

For children keen on peer learning

1 to 2

For children needing extra support

Banded by age and level

Our teaching department is in charge of carefully grouping the classes so that children can learn English with peers from different countries of their age and level, and with the most appropriate teacher for the stage they are.

We have a study plan developed specifically and adapted to each age group. Below you can see the structure of each course depending on your child’s age:


Why our system works
  • We focus on improving all core skills: reading, writing, speaking, and listening
  • We develop positive learning habits
  • We encourage interaction between students to build natural pronunciation skills
  • We create repeated exposure which helps the students retain information
Why parents and students love our classes
  • We create an environment in which children are happy and feel comfortable
  • Our teachers increase children’s confidence by improving their skills
  • Our digital platform and materials are designed exclusively for learning English
  • Our group classes help children make new international friends and develop social skills
  • We have a system that makes children learn real and functional language to use every day



Meridian School of English is the only online English school where all our teachers are British qualified and are certified by quality institutions such as Cambridge University or Trinity College London.

The teachers that work with us have extensive experience and training in delivering high quality English Language lessons to young learners online. As they are all British citizens or residents of the United Kingdom, they can transmit the most appropriate vocabulary and pronunciation to your children. In addition, we follow selection processes that ensure our teachers are committed to supporting their students and engaging in personal development. Below we present a sample of our teachers.

Romana (mother), Czech Republic: 
Rodilý mluvčí vštěpí dětem přirozenou výslovnost a gramatiku, ani sebelepší český učitel nenahradí správnou mluvnici. Děti se naučí během pár týdnů dobře rozumět a komunikovat. Výuka probíhá formou her a soutěží, což každé dítě baví. Témata jsou dětem blízká a atraktivní.
A native speaker instills natural pronunciation and grammar in children, even the best Czech teacher can't teach correct pronunciation. Children learn fast to understand and communicate well. Teaching takes place in the form of games and competitions. The topics are familiar and attractive.
Veronika (mother), Czech Republic: 
Jsme velice spokojeni s výukou AJ, syn byl úplný začátečník a velmi rychle se učí a dělá pokroky. Hodiny miluje díky zábavnému přístupu a skvělému učiteli. Existuje mnoho kurzů, ale tento je TOP. 
We are very happy with AJ's teaching; son was a complete beginner and is learning and progressing very quickly. He loves the class because of the fun attitude and the great teacher. There are many courses, but this one is the TOP.
Tereza (mother), Czech Republic: 
Dcera (14 let) byla s výukou spokojena, ztratila zábrany při konverzaci a nabyla větší jistoty. Zlepšila porozumění i mluvený projev. S online výukou neměla žádný problém, po technické stránce nebyly žádné potíže a vše fungovalo. 
My daughter (14 years old) was satisfied with the lessons, lost her inhibitions during conversation and gained more confidence. She improved her understanding and speaking. She had no problem with the online course, there were no technical problems and everything worked fine.
Dominika (mother), Poland: 
Jestem miło zaskoczona jak wiele można nauczyć się przez zabawę. Moja córka zdała egzamin szkolny na 5 a nauczycielka podpytywała nas gdzie uczy się dziecko bo mogła z nią bez problemu nawiązać konwersację. Polecam :-) 
I am pleasantly surprised how much you can learn while having fun. My 9 years old daughter passed her school exam with flying colours and the teacher kept asking us where the child was studying because she could easily start a conversation with her. I highly recommend 😊
Tiantian He (mother), China:
我的两个孩子参加了子午线学校的线上英语课程,他们都非常期待并享受每一次参与的课程。对我来说课程最重要的成果是 - 现在他们愿意主动学习英语,而不是需要我去驱动他们。
My children attended an online English course with Meridian. They were always looking forward to their online classes and enjoying the lessons. The most important outcome for me – now they take the initiative of learning English, I don’t have to push them.
Laura (mother), Spain:
Nosotros estamos contentos con las clases y Ale también. Le gusta participar, así que las está aprovechando. La profe muy bien.
We are happy with the classes and Ale as well. He likes to participate, so he is making the most of them. The teacher is very good.
Chiara (mother), Italy
Molto apprezzata la modalità di insegnamento, svolgere il corso con bambini di diverse nazionalità ha limitato inizialmente un po’ l’interattività tra la classe, ma ha aumentato l’entusiasmo del bambino.Grazie di tutto!
The teaching method was much appreciated, carrying out the course with children of different nationalities initially limited interactivity between the class a little, but increased the child’s enthusiasm. Thanks for everything!
Shine (student), China
我喜欢 Meridian 老师和班级,他们很有趣。我喜欢唱歌、阅读和看奥特曼。
I love Meridian teacher and class, they are very interesting. I like singing, reading and watching Ultraman.
Małgorzata (student), Poland
Było bardzo miło. Pani Katie jest bardzo wesoła. Dziękuję.
It was very nice. Mrs. Katie is very happy. Thank you.
Lidia (mother), Spain:
Al principio le costó un poco a Nicolás adaptarse a este formato, pero ahora está disfrutando y estamos observando un progreso positivo.
At the beginning it cost Nicolas a bit to adapt to this format but he is enjoying now and we are observing a positive progress.