June 2023 -

11 Reasons Why Learning English Is So Important

11 Reasons Why Learning English Is So Important

Author: Nicole Sage

Date: 29/06/2023

Author: Nicole Sage

Date: 12/05/2023

learning English so important

English has become the global language of communication, and whether for personal or professional reasons, learning English opens up a world of opportunities, broadens horizons and brings numerous benefits. 

As an online English school, we know how important learning English is from a young age, instilling confidence and breaking down the language barrier at a much quicker pace than if you adopt a secondary language as an adult.

Whether you’re looking to kickstart your child’s English learning, or some persuasion to continue your studies, we take a look at 11 reasons why learning English is so important in today’s world. 

11 Reasons Why Learning English Is So Important

1.Global Language of Communication

English serves as the lingua franca across the globe, it is the most widely spoken language in very different contexts in the world.

It enables people from different cultures and backgrounds to communicate effectively, breaking down language barriers and fostering connections. Because of this it provides…

2. Enhanced Career Prospects 

Proficiency in English significantly expands career opportunities and horizons your future from a young age. 

English fluency is often a requirement in many industries and multinational companies, enabling individuals to compete in the global job market.

If you are living in developing countries, learning English can be a gateway to a new life with better financial prospects.

3. Access to Education

English is the language of academia and higher education.

Learning English opens doors to prestigious universities, scholarships, and study abroad programmes, providing access to a broader range of educational resources.

4. Cultural Exchange and Travel

English proficiency facilitates cultural exchange and travel experiences. These types of programmes enable individuals to immerse themselves in different cultures, communicate with locals, and appreciate the diversity of the world.

There really is no better way to work towards English fluency than totally immersing yourself in the language, culture and the people. 

5. Networking and Collaboration 

By learning English, individuals can expand their network, engage in global projects, and collaborate with professionals from various countries.

It provides many opportunities for networking and collaboration, widening your social circle and conversing with native speakers.

6. Access to Information and Resources

By mastering the English language, individuals can access a wealth of knowledge, research articles, books, and online resources, broadening their intellectual horizons.

Whilst online information can be accessed in your local dialect, the majority of online information is still in English which can become a barrier without an understanding of the language. 

Meridian English - more than just English lessons.

7. Personal Growth and Confidence

Learning a new language like English enhances personal growth and boosts confidence. It expands cognitive abilities, improves problem-solving skills, and opens new avenues for self-expression and creativity.

Learning a language is often not a linear journey, but it’s a worthwhile one which shows determination of character and a drive to succeed.

8. Better Communication Skills

English fluency enhances communication skills, both written and verbal. 

It improves clarity, articulation, and the ability to express thoughts and ideas effectively, leading to better personal and professional interactions.

9. Enhanced Technology and Innovation

English is the language of technology and innovation. Proficiency in English allows individuals to stay updated with the latest advancements, collaborate with experts in the field, and contribute to global innovations.

10. Access to Entertainment and Pop Culture

The majority of movies, music, literature, and popular culture are in English, this is actually one of the best ways to immerse yourself in the English language, whilst enjoying it too!

By understanding the language, individuals can fully appreciate and enjoy a wide range of entertainment, expanding their cultural experiences.

11. Empowerment and Independence

Lastly, learning English empowers individuals to become more independent. It eliminates language barriers, enables self-reliance during travels, and fosters a sense of autonomy in various aspects of life.

Learning English is a gateway to personal, educational, and professional growth. Its global importance cannot be overstated, as it opens up numerous opportunities, facilitates cultural exchange, and fosters connections across borders. 

From enhanced career prospects and access to education to improved communication skills and personal empowerment, the benefits of learning English are undeniable. 

Looking to take your young learners’ English language to the next level? Our online English classes for children aged 5-15 will take them from beginner to confident English speaker in a supportive group setting, book your course today.

The Best English Learning Podcasts

The Best English Learning Podcasts

Author: Nicole Sage

Date: 12/05/2023

Author: Nicole Sage

Date: 12/05/2023

best English learning podcasts

In today’s fast-paced world, learning English has become a necessity for individuals seeking personal and professional growth. 

Learning English from a young age where it isn’t already your native language can instantly widen your horizons and career prospects in the future.

Traditional language learning methods have evolved over the years, and one of the most effective and convenient ways to enhance your English skills is through podcasts. 

These audio-based resources offer a diverse range of content, from grammar and vocabulary to pronunciation and cultural insights. Meridian English has explored the best English learning podcasts that will captivate and inspire you on your journey to English fluency.

The Best English Learning Podcasts


EnglishClass101 is a popular podcast that covers all aspects of English learning, from beginner to advanced levels. 

With engaging hosts and a structured curriculum, this podcast provides lessons on grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation, along with cultural insights to deepen your understanding of the English language.

The English We Speak“:

Produced by the BBC, “The English We Speak” podcast focuses on everyday English phrases and idioms. This podcast helps learners grasp colloquial expressions, enhancing their ability to communicate naturally and confidently in various social and professional settings.

Grammar Girl Quick and Dirty Tips for Better Writing“:

For those looking to refine their writing skills, “Grammar Girl” offers concise and practical tips on grammar, punctuation, and writing style. 

Hosted by Mignon Fogarty, this podcast provides straightforward explanations and examples that make complex grammar concepts easy to understand.

TED Talks“:

The renowned TED Talks platform offers a treasure trove of inspiring and thought-provoking speeches by experts from various fields. 

Listening to these talks not only improves your listening comprehension but also exposes you to a wide range of topics and perspectives, enriching your vocabulary and critical thinking skills.

Luke’s English Podcast“:

Hosted by Luke Thompson, “Luke’s English Podcast” is an engaging and humorous show that covers various aspects of the English language and British culture. 

With a focus on natural conversation and authentic language usage, this podcast helps learners develop their listening skills and gain insights into British life.

6 Minute English“:

Produced by the BBC, “6 Minute English” is a short and informative podcast that explores current affairs, science, and culture. 

Each episode provides a conversation between native speakers on a specific topic, accompanied by vocabulary explanations and language exercises, making it ideal for busy learners.

The Fluent Show“:

Hosted by Kerstin Cable, “The Fluent Show” is a podcast that explores various aspects of language learning, including tips, strategies, and interviews with polyglots and experts. 

This podcast offers valuable insights and motivation for learners at all levels, encouraging a holistic approach to language acquisition.

Meridian English - more than just English lessons.

All Ears English“:

“All Ears English” focuses on real-life conversations and practical English for everyday situations. 

Hosted by Lindsay McMahon and Michelle Kaplan, this podcast offers useful tips on vocabulary, idioms, and cultural nuances, helping learners become confident and effective communicators in English.

“The Business English Podcast”:

Ideal for professionals, “The Business English Podcast” provides targeted lessons on business vocabulary, negotiation skills, and professional communication. 

Hosted by the experienced language trainer, Gideon CEO, this podcast equips learners with the language and skills necessary for success in the corporate world.

Better at English“:

Hosted by Lori Linstruth, “Better at English” focuses on practical language use and cultural understanding. 

With a variety of topics and interviews, this podcast offers an immersive experience that enhances listening comprehension and provides insights into different English-speaking cultures.

Podcasts have revolutionised the way we learn languages, and when it comes to English, there is an abundance of high-quality resources available. 

The best English learning podcasts mentioned in this blog post cater to learners of all levels, offering engaging content, practical tips, and cultural insights. 

By incorporating these podcasts into your language learning routine, you can enhance your listening skills, expand your vocabulary, improve your pronunciation, and gain a deeper understanding of the English language and culture. 

So, choose the podcast that resonates with your learning goals, grab your headphones, and embark on a captivating journey towards English fluency. It’s never been easier to integrate this type of learning into your day either, as they can be listened to on the go, during household chores or just when you’re relaxing at home. Happy listening and learning!

Looking to take your young learners’ English language to the next level? Our online English classes for children aged 5-15 will take them from beginner to confident English speaker in a supportive group setting, book your course today.

How To Improve English Fluency: Proven Strategies

How To Improve English Fluency: Proven Strategies

Author: Nicole Sage

Date: 12/05/2023

Author: Nicole Sage

Date: 12/05/2023

English fluency is a valuable asset that opens doors to opportunities in today’s interconnected world. 

Whether you are a young learner, wanting to gain work experience overseas, or an aspiring globetrotter, improving your English fluency can enhance your communication skills, boost your confidence, and broaden your horizons. 

However, we understand that without the right setting and immersion, English fluency can be difficult to achieve. 

Join us as we explore effective strategies and practical tips that can help you enhance your English fluency and become a more confident and articulate speaker over time.

How To Improve English Fluency


Immerse Yourself in English

To improve your English fluency, you need to be able to completely immerse yourself in the language as much as possible. This is one of the reasons why many suggest throwing yourself in at the deep end and living in the country for a month to fully immerse yourself in the language. However, there are plenty of ways you can do this at home too.

Surround yourself with English by watching movies, TV shows, and documentaries, listening to English music and podcasts, and reading books, newspapers, and online articles. 

This constant exposure to the language will help you develop a natural ear for English, improve your vocabulary, and enhance your understanding of idioms and colloquial expressions.

Practise Speaking Regularly:

Regular practise is crucial for improving English fluency. Find opportunities to engage in conversations in English, whether it’s through language exchange programmes, conversation clubs, or online platforms. 

Practise speaking with native English speakers or fellow learners, focusing on fluency rather than perfection. 

Don’t be afraid of making mistakes; instead, view them as learning opportunities. The more you speak, the more comfortable and fluent you will become. Need a burst of motivation? Take a look at these 50 powerful learning English quotes

Expand Your Vocabulary:

A rich vocabulary is essential for effective communication. Make a habit of learning new words everyday. 

Use flashcards, vocabulary apps, or online resources to expand your word bank. Pay attention to synonyms, antonyms, and different word forms. 

Practise using new words in context to solidify your understanding. Additionally, read extensively and maintain a vocabulary journal to record new words and review them regularly. 

The more words you know, the more options you have for expressing yourself clearly and precisely in conversations.

Focus on Listening Skills:

It doesn’t matter what language you engage in, listening is one of the most important skills when it comes to communication, and it will help your English fluency too. 

Engage in active listening by watching movies, TV shows, or TED Talks in English without subtitles. 

Train your ears to recognise different accents, intonation patterns, and speech speeds. Listen to podcasts, audiobooks, or English radio stations to expose yourself to a variety of voices and topics. 

Practise listening comprehension exercises and take note of unfamiliar words or phrases. With consistent practise, you will develop better listening skills, enabling you to understand spoken English more easily and respond appropriately.

Master Grammar and Sentence Structure:

While fluency is not solely dependent on grammar, having a strong foundation in grammar rules and sentence structure can significantly enhance your communication skills. 

Dedicate time to study English grammar systematically. Use grammar books, online resources, or enroll in a grammar course. 

Pay attention to verb tenses, sentence formation, and common grammatical errors. Practise applying grammar rules in your speaking and writing. Over time, proper grammar usage will become more natural, and you will convey your ideas more accurately and effectively.

English fluency

Meridian English - more than just English lessons.

Engage in Role-plays and Conversational Exercises:

Role-plays and conversational exercises provide practical opportunities to apply your language skills in real-life situations. 

Find a language partner or join a conversation group to engage in role-plays that simulate various scenarios such as job interviews, ordering at a restaurant, or making phone calls. 

Practise responding to questions, expressing opinions, and engaging in discussions. These activities not only improve your fluency but also build your confidence and develop your ability to think on your feet.

Seek Professional Guidance:

Consider enrolling in an online English course or seeking the guidance of a language tutor. A professional instructor can provide personalised feedback, identify areas for improvement, and tailor lessons to your specific needs. 

They can guide you through structured lessons, offer valuable tips, and provide exercises to target your weaknesses.

A tutor or teacher can also help you practise correct pronunciation and intonation, which are essential for clear and confident communication. Their expertise and guidance can accelerate your progress and ensure that you are on the right track towards English fluency.

At Meridian English, all of our online classes are taught in mixed groups. We find that a group setting is one of the best for learning a language as you learn from each other, and are motivated to try your best in each class.

Utilise Language Learning Apps and Online Resources:

In this digital age, language learning apps and online resources offer a wealth of tools and materials to improve your English fluency. 

Platforms like Duolingo, Babbel, and Memrise provide interactive lessons, quizzes, and vocabulary exercises. 

Online communities, such as language learning forums and social media groups, offer opportunities to connect with fellow learners and practise your English skills. 

YouTube channels dedicated to English lessons, pronunciation practise, and language tips can also be valuable resources in your language learning journey.

Read Aloud and Record Yourself:

Reading aloud is an excellent exercise for improving pronunciation, intonation, and overall fluency. 

Choose engaging texts, such as news articles, short stories, or excerpts from books, and read them aloud. Pay attention to your pronunciation, stress, and rhythm. Record yourself while reading and listen back to identify areas for improvement. 

Compare your pronunciation to that of native speakers and make adjustments accordingly. Practising reading aloud regularly will not only refine your pronunciation but also enhance your overall fluency and oral expression.

Stay Motivated and Consistent:

Improving English fluency requires dedication and consistency. Set realistic goals and create a study routine that suits your schedule. 

Stay motivated by celebrating milestones, tracking your progress, and rewarding yourself for achievements. 

Surround yourself with supportive peers who share your language learning goals. Remember that progress takes time, and setbacks are part of the learning process. Embrace challenges, stay persistent, and maintain a positive mindset. With consistent effort, your English fluency will continue to grow, and you’ll be amazed at how far you’ve come.

Enhancing your English fluency is often a non-linear journey that requires dedication, practise, and patience. 

By immersing yourself in English, practising speaking regularly, expanding your vocabulary, focusing on listening skills, mastering grammar, engaging in role-plays, seeking professional guidance, utilising language learning apps and online resources, reading aloud, and staying motivated and consistent, you will make significant strides in your language proficiency. 

Embrace the process, enjoy the journey, and remember that every small step you take brings you closer to unlocking the doors of English fluency.

Looking to take your young learners’ English language to the next level? Our online English classes for children aged 5-15 will take them from beginner to confident English speaker in a supportive group setting, book your course today.

50 Powerful Learning English Quotes

50 Powerful Learning English Quotes

Author: Nicole Sage

Date: 12/05/2023

Author: Nicole Sage

Date: 12/05/2023

Learning English is a rewarding and transformative journey that opens doors to new opportunities and connects people from all walks of life. 

But learning any language often does not follow a linear journey, and that’s part of the process. To stay motivated we’ve compiled 50 of the most powerful learning English quotes to help inspire and motivate young language learners. 

These quotes from renowned authors, linguists, and influential figures remind us of the beauty, challenges, and importance of mastering the English language.

50 Powerful Learning English Quotes

1.”The limits of my language mean the limits of my world.” – Ludwig Wittgenstein

2.”Language is the road map of a culture. It tells you where its people come from and where they are going.” – Rita Mae Brown

3.”Learning another language is not only learning different words for the same things but learning another way to think about things.” – Flora Lewis

4.”Language is the blood of the soul into which thoughts run and out of which they grow.” – Oliver Wendell Holmes

5.”To have another language is to possess a second soul.” – Charlemagne 

children group learning

6. “Language is the dress of thought.” – Samuel Johnson

7. “The more languages you know, the more you are human.” – Tomáš Garrigue Masaryk

8. “Language shapes the way we think, and determines what we can think about.” – Benjamin Lee Whorf

9. “Learning another language is like becoming another person.” – Haruki Murakami

10. “Language is power, life, and the instrument of culture, the instrument of domination and liberation.” – Angela Carter

11. “Language is the light of the mind.” – John Stuart Mill

12. “Language is the only thing worth knowing even poorly.” – Katō Lomb

13. “Language is the most massive and inclusive art we know, a mountainous and anonymous work of unconscious generations.” – Edward Sapir

14. “A different language is a different vision of life.” – Federico Fellini

15. “Language is the foundation of civilization. It is a glue that holds people together, and it is the first weapon drawn in a conflict.” – S. L.A. Marshall

16. “The best way to learn a language is to live where it’s spoken.” – Albert Camus

17. “Language is not a genetic gift, it is a social gift. Learning a new language is becoming a member of the club – the community of speakers of that language.” – Frank Smith

18. “The limits of your language are the limits of your world.” – Arthur Schopenhauer

19. “Language is power, in ways more literal than most people think. When we speak, we exercise the power of language to transform reality.” – Julie Sedivy

20. “You can never understand one language until you understand at least two.” – Geoffrey Willans

Meridian English - more than just English lessons.

21. “Language is the key to the heart of people.” – Ahmed Deedat

22. “The study of a foreign language is an intellectual adventure of the highest order.” – Christopher Hitchens

23. “Language is a city to the building of which every human being brought a stone.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

24. “Learn a language, and you will avoid a war.” – Arab proverb

25. “Language is the most important thing we have as human beings.” – Oscar Arias

26. “Learning languages is the door to wisdom.” – Roger Bacon

27. “Language is the mirror of our minds.” – Thich Nhat Hanh

28. “Language is the armory of the human mind, and at once contains the trophies of its past and the weapons of its future conquests.” – Samuel Taylor Coleridge

29. “Language is the means of getting an idea from my brain into yours without surgery.” – Mark Amidon

30. “Language is the soul of intellect, and reading is the essential process by which that intellect is cultivated.” – Joseph Brodsky

31. “Language is a more recent technology. Your body language, your eyes, your energy will come through to your audience before you even start speaking.” – Peter Guber

32. “Language is the source of misunderstandings.” – Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

33. “Language is the blood of the soul into which thoughts run and out of which they grow.” – Oliver Wendell Holmes

34. “Do you know what a foreign accent is? It’s a sign of bravery.” – Amy Chua

35. “There is no end to education. It is not that you read a book, pass an examination, and finish with education. The whole of life, from the moment you are born to the moment you die, is a process of learning.” – Jiddu Krishnamurti

36. “You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.” – C.S.Lewis

37. “It doesn’t matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.” – Confucius

38. “Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.” – Gandhi

39. Our language is funny – a ‘fat chance’ and a ‘slim chance’ are the same thing. — J. Gustav White. 

40. What is the shortest word in the English language that contains the letters: abcdef? Answer: feedback. Don’t forget that feedback is one of the essential elements of good communication. — Author Unknown. 

41. “If you can dream it, you can do it.” Walt Disney

42. “Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better.” – Samuel Beckett

43. “Learning is like rowing upstream, not to advance is to drop back.” – Chinese Proverb

44. “One language sets you in a corridor for life. Two languages open every door along the way” – Frank Smith

45. “Learning is not a spectator sport” – D. Blocher

46. “Language is ‘the infinite use of finite means’” – Wilhelm von Humboldt

47. “If you know many languages then you have many keys for a castle” ― François-Marie Arouet

48. “I love commuting between languages just like I love commuting between cultures and cities” – Elif Safak

49. “We now accept the fact that learning is a lifelong process of keeping abreast of change. And the most pressing task is to teach people how to learn.” — Peter Drucker

50. “Wisdom is not a product of schooling but of the lifelong attempt to acquire it.” — Albert Einstein

These 50 powerful quotes emphasise the value and significance of learning the English language. 

Whether you are a language enthusiast, a young learner, or a professional, let these quotes inspire and motivate you on your English language learning journey. 

Remember, mastering a new language is not just about acquiring words and grammar, but also about discovering new perspectives and connecting with people all around the world, just one of the things that we offer through our mixed nationality classes at Meridian English.

Looking to take your young learners’ English language to the next level? Our online English classes for children aged 5-15 will take them from beginner to confident English speaker in a supportive group setting, book your course today.